Villa La Grangia

Villa La Grangia

  • Address: Via Bibiena,25 – Sabbioneta Sabbioneta ITA

Just a short way from Sabbioneta, in Villa Pasquali, we find the farm house called the “Grange”. The origins of the building are not known. The first documents mentioning it date back to 1496 whenLudovico Gonzaga made the Naviglio canal navigable to connect the “Court of the Villa”, the old name of the Grange, with the town. It was with  Vespasiano Gonzaga that the building knew its period of maximum splendour, when the villa was chosen as the place where the prince liked to come to rest. On the death of Vespasiano the Grange lost the role of noble residence while it kept its original agricultural vocation. The transformations made over the centuries, however, have unfortunately radically changed the appearance of the villa of the Gonzaga family.



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