Church of St Maria Assunta

Church of St Maria Assunta

  • Address: piazza Ducale Sabbioneta ITA

The church of Santa Maria Assunta was built in 1580 and has a simple but unusual facade of pink and white marble ashlars. The interior has just a nave and was decorated in 1767 by Gaetano Ghidetti with architectural panelling in the vaulted ceiling, in the dome, on the chapel walls and in the apsidal conch; Antonio Bresciani produced the figures. The choirs, pulpit and confessionals were carved by Antonio Maria Lodi.

In 1767, the confraternity of the Santissimo Sacramento commissioned Antonio Galli Bibiena to create the chapel of the same name with a double vaulted roof, the lower one being perforated. Also dating from 1767 are the sacristy, painted by Giorgio Anselmi, and the furnishings by the Galli brothers of Soragna. Numerous paintings were added between the 16C and 18C.



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