Bonifica di Revere pumping station

Bonifica di Revere pumping station

  • Address: . Sermide e Felonica ITA

The pumping station was completed in 1926 as part of the Revere reclamation project.

Its purpose was to drain water from the Oltrepò areas to the right of the River Secchia into the Po. The water is carried into the system by a canal (Cavo Diversivo) which links up, a few miles south near the Chiavica Vallazza, to  the Fossalta, the ancient canal that has drained much of the area since the 15C.

The pumping station consists of a main building with three pumps driven by electric and diesel engines, an outlet basin (mandracchio) and an inlet culvert, which channels water from the basin into the River Po, while also ensuring there is no risk of the river in spate flooding the countryside.



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