Pharmacopeia Museum

Pharmacopeia Museum

  • Telephone: 0386 31558
  • Address: Via Gnocchi Viani, 16, Ostiglia ITA

Pharmacopeia Museum displays the Losa Collection, purchased by Regione Lombardia and now seated at Comune di Ostiglia thanks to a mutual agreement. The Collection is partly made of apothecary moulds in wood (25 pieces), glass and porcelain, besides majolica of great artistic and historical interest, and paper-material.

The most impressive element of the Collection is a set of 136 apothecaries pots made in Veneto ateliers (Mainardi and others factories in Bassano), painted in a deep blue colour and very well preserved, that make them a rare example of beauty. The eighteenth-century theme characterized by different paintings is the leit motif in the majolica collection. It is recognized also by the vertical blue BACELLATURE (pod forms) that through coloured brush touch reproduce the shape of the embossed silvers.

At the same period a numerous set of “ALBARELLI” (saplings, pharmaceutical pots) and “ORCIOLI” (pots) belongs to the monochrome blue theme, used and spread by Mainardi factory of Bassano (1694-1696). The decoration is divided into two strips with floral and scalloped leaves ornaments.



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