Church of St Felicita and Sette Fratelli Martiri

Church of St Felicita and Sette Fratelli Martiri

  • Telephone: 0375 86015
  • Address: Piazza XXIII Aprile Pomponesco ITA

Already present in the 14C and rebuilt from 1339 on by bishop Gotifredo of Mantua, this church features three large windows on the facade. Inside, it has three aisles and a transept. The central aisle and transept are rounded, and the central dome is covered with frescoes; the two side aisles have a coffered ceiling.

The present design is the product of restoration by the architect Giovan Battista Vergani, in 1829 and 1831. The new hammered-concrete facade with large arches dates from 1921. The bell-tower was elevated from 39 to 49 metres in 1950. Originally, the top of the facade was set back from the other buildings and the entrance portico was a continuation of the porticoes in the square, with round arches.



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